Praise Jesus and Terry Crews
The post I was going to make today was rudely interrupted by none other than Mr. Terry Crews! Yep, that’s right! The handsome man that wears all those really cool suits and encourages all the contestants on AGT interrupted my rage!
I was about to tell the story of a failed relationship and how you should listen to the old saying, “When someone tells you who they are, believe them.” I was so happy that this story was going to expose the narcissist and his brutal abuse of my feelings. It was going to be soap opera worthy and full of life lessons! Surely it would be worthy of a daytime Emmy!!
Alas, my post of vindication (or revenge) was obliterated before I could type the last paragraph. God was reading as I typed and decided I needed a “Gibbs” slap. I received a Facebook notification, so I picked up my phone and discovered a video of Mr. Crews. He was giving his testimony at Lakewood Church. I didn’t see the whole service, just his testimony. It was meant for me to see! I watched it (twice) and cried my heart out.
It seems Mr. Crews and I have some things in common. We’re the same age, we both grew up in a household plagued by alcoholism, we both spent our childhood watching our mothers be abused, and we wanted revenge!
I’ve been howling at God for a long time now feeling like he couldn’t hear me. I knew what it meant to be a Christian. But, I never understood being born again. I know lots of people who have this amazing relationship with God; I was never one of them. I’ve always been a believer that felt like a beggar. For me ‘on Earth as it is in Heaven’ was beginning to feel like I would be the same outsider up there that I am down here. I longed for the joy I saw in others. I wanted to be free of the pain and anger.
In my broken mind, the only way to ease that pain and anger was to make all who hurt me feel the pain I felt. Only then could they understand what they were doing to me and possibly others. I wanted them to know how excruciating it was. That was the only way to make them stop! In reality, the only person it stopped was ME! I’ve lost so much time in my life to fear, hurt and anger. I know I can’t correct it overnight, but maybe I’m starting to crawl out of the hollow of revenge into the hope forgiveness brings.
If you haven’t seen Terry Crews’ testimony, I highly recommend it. I doubt he will ever see my obscure little post, but just in case he does…THANK YOU!!
#Jesus #Terrycrews #widowshouse