They say when you don’t have anything to say, write anyway. So, I’m writing anyway, and we’ll see where this goes. I feel like my determination has flatlined. As a result, so has this page. I know I can’t keep people coming back to my house if I can’t hold a conversation. I’ve been told repeatedly that I talk a lot, but for some reason, that doesn’t translate to the page. The past few weeks have been difficult for a multitude of reasons. Everyone seems to be suffering right now and I suppose it would be better to lean toward the lighter side of things.
I think I’ve mentioned before that music tends to help me through most things. I have a friend who doesn’t like music. This is something I just can’t comprehend. I hope that one day I can find a way to show him the amazing abilities it has and the joy it brings. Sadly, I don’t see him very often. I doubt that opportunity will arise.
Music has certainly resuscitated me today. An old favorite popped into my head. Led Zeppelin’s “Gallows Pole” may not sound like the most cheerful title, but damn, it is impossible to sit still listening to it. Robert Plant’s voice has always had the ability to put a spell on me. For as long as I can remember, he has mesmerized me. While I was never able to see Led Zeppelin on the stage, I was fortunate enough to see Robert Plant in the 80’s. He’s one I’d sure like to meet. We’ll discuss a list of those folks a little later.
I’ve been stagnant for quite some time listening to the same old stuff over and over. I do that mostly because my head is trapped in one place, once time, one scenario. I’m digging my way out. In the process, I’ve discovered something new, well, new to me. RED CLAY STRAYS! OMG! I’m in love. I already have some favorites, but I haven’t heard anything I didn’t like. “Devil in My Ear” was the one that made me look them up. THEN…I found “Moment of Truth”. Oh Lawd, my mind goes so many places when I listen to them! I think they are actually going breathe life back into my blank page.
#writing #music #redclaystrays