Robert’s Reach
I hope everyone had a joyful Thanksgiving. Holidays are not an easy time, but this family gathering was lovely. For a few hours, it pulled me out of the loneliness that usually comes this time of year. It’s amazing to see all the children I used to babysit all grown up with families of their own.
The hardest part is returning home after the celebrations are over. Too much time to think is not a good thing for an over-thinker. They say idle hands are the devil’s workshop, but so is an idle mind. Thankfully, I have a lot to do before Christmas that keeps both my mind and my hands busy.
Hand-knit chenille throw
I’ve been stitching away to make Christmas gifts and other things that will eventually go up for sale. My goal is to have an on-line shop open the first of the year (maybe before then). It will be called Robert’s Reach in honor of my late husband. Still working on a logo. I hope to have lots of my handiwork there along with other merchandise. Be on the lookout for hand-knitted blankets, handmade toys, and lots of other items. The items pictured are just a sample and are already on their way to loving homes.
Robert was always proud of my work. I hope the shop honors his memory. I am so thankful God allowed me to spend 26 years with him.