Taking The Stage
I want to make it very clear that I am not a Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Psychiatrist, Counselor or any other title. I am simply sharing my personal experience. If you are struggling with grief, depression, anxiety or you’re struggling with emotions you can’t explain, I highly recommend you seek professional help. Find an individual or group that makes you feel comfortable enough to share your circumstances but will challenge you to pull yourself up and let go of the things that are detrimental to your well-being. Or as my husband would say, “find the ones who won’t co-sign your bullshit!”
Depending on what you read, there are between five and seven stages of grief.
Denial Shock and Denial
Anger Pain and Guilt
Bargaining Anger and Bargaining
Depression Depression
Acceptance The Upward Turn
Reconstruction and Working Through
Acceptance and Hope
Everyone’s experience is different. There is no time frame or time limit. There is no right or wrong way to feel. Some may go through these stages in this order. Some, like me, will be all over the place depending on the other things life throws at them. I honestly couldn’t tell you what stage I’m in right now. It’s some odd mix of anger, depression and pain (it’s that overachiever thing). I can tell you I’m ready to take my bow, exit the stage, and find a new version of happy.
If you are searching for grief counseling and don’t know where to start, many funeral homes have a list of organizations in your area that offer these services. Local Hospice facilities offer bereavement counseling. Many churches offer support groups. Some larger church organizations even have their own counseling centers with licensed medical staff. Your physician can also refer you. Just remember…
#widowshouse #grief