You’re not the boss of me!

It’s the phrase every little kid has uttered to any adult trying to prevent them from doing what they want. It’s four AM and I’m sitting here feeling like a pouty little kid yelling at my computer screen. Microsoft Word is acting like the storied nun with her ruler waiting to swat my knuckles. Word decided to reprimand me and tell me that the words I use may be offensive to my readers.  I remember when all spellcheck did was give you a correct spelling and offer a definition if you needed it. I even appreciate the correction of my grammar on occasion. However, the warnings aren’t necessary. 

I’m very well aware of what I’m typing and the potential outcome of posting what I’ve written. I take full responsibility for the things I write and, if I use a four-letter word to accurately describe how I’m feeling at the time, it is my choice!  Just as I can choose the words that express my feelings, the visitors to my site can choose to stay or go. 

What I find offensive is my software having an opinion on my writing. At what point does this progress and it starts to eliminate the “offensive” material.  Sounds silly, doesn’t it? Not in this day and age!  Sometimes we give up too much in the name of convenience.

Things like this make me long for the printed page.  Might be time to hunt down a vintage IBM Selectric typewriter.  I already have a dictionary and a thesaurus. I would just have to stock up on White Out (they still make that, right?).

Now that I have offended nuns everywhere, I guess I’ll go try to get some sleep.


Who R U?


Just A Little Patience